Saturday, June 23, 2012

Summer Solstice 5k -- 44:43

You guys, I did it!!!!!

Lined up ready to go!
[I'm on the left, my bff/race buddy K on the right]

My official race time -- I averaged a 14:25 mile.

K is a rock star and finished 4 mins ahead of me and was able to
snap this photo as I crossed the finish line. Thanks, girl!

I did it, and I loved it.
What a power feeling, having trained for something for months
and then actually accomplish it beyond your best expectations.
Race Length: 5k (3.1 Miles)
Official Time: 44:43
Average: 14:25 Mile

I'm so proud of myself. =) 


  1. As you should be!!! YOU ROCK GIRLIE!!!!

  2. That rocks! Now watch. You'll do another 5k, then a 10k, then a half marathon .... and before you know it you will be a running machine!!!!
