
Hi! I'm Ester. 
And I haven't always looked this fabulous. ;) 

Let's start at the beginning, shall we? 
I promise to keep this brief!

Here I am as a cute little baby. So far, totally normal.
Toddler status. Maybe a little pudgy but still totally normal. 
Around 4 years old here. Proof that I did at one point have normal legs.

11 years old.
By this point I'm realizing that weight is going to be a problem for me. 
Thirteen, size 7.
I graduated high school at 140 lbs. 
I was extremely active, worked out regularly, and felt great about my body. 
May 21, 2003 -- graduation day. Healthy, happy, and loving it.
Then, in fourteen months I went from this:

...to this:

At 19 years old I found myself over 240 pounds. One day I woke up and realized I was sick of being the fat girl. I decided to make a change. And I did.

As of May 2012 I've lost over 50 pounds. Here's hoping I can continue this journey and one day reach my ultimate goal weight of 135-140#. So far it's been one hell of a crazy ride!



  1. you can do it! just remember what this is all for and that is YOU! I'm very proud of you and you inspire me to keep going on my weight loss track.. :D <3 you girl and again just keep going!

  2. Hey Ester! You look so happy! (And amazing, but the main thing is HAPPY!)... I always loved that second pic of you as a toddler. You were totally adorable! Remember the "baby book" we put together in class in elementary school? I had that horrible bandage from the cyst on top of my head in my picture.

    Kudos to you for taking control of your life and your body. You deserve all the happiness in the world, and I am glad you have found someone to share that happiness with. - Lots of love!

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